Beauty of Age.

I wonder why people always complain about growing up. Growing up is so beautiful. It gives us wisdom, and knowledge, and experience.
I want to grow.
Meet new people.
Listen to the music.
Understand poetry;
Sure a child can party and sleep whenever he wants. But I want to wake up, and travel, inhale different sunrises and absorb different stories.
I want to feel love; and heartaches. I want to see people leave in the hardest of my times. I want to see my wrinkles take over my beauty. I want to see my hair grow grey and then white.
I want to grow up; and witness life happening.

So whose the prettiest afterall?

Mirrors are so strange. One reflection, and there we go, a rush to excellency. It makes us measure every inch of our bodies through the scale of perfection. From painfull plastic surgeries and hair transplants to our social anxieties and depressions, just to appear beautiful. Nobody wants to be judged but we brtualy judge ourselves. We magnify our own flaws to ourselves. Some pimples on our cheeks or a few calories can steal away our confidence. The worst thing is, it drags our attention to what’s not so important. Something that does not define us. We are defined by our personlity and intellect. We are defined by the sweetness of our tounges and bitterness of our words. We conceal our skins but forget to improve as a person everyday.
Mirrors are so strange. They eliminate the meaning of our existance.

Friendship test!

Exams not only test your knowledge but also your friends.
During exam, some friends will help you and others won’t.
Some would fear getting caught and some won’t want to waste their time.
Some would want the highest score in the class and others simply don’t want to be yelled at.
But a true friend will risk it all. Only this friend will back you up in real hard times. They risked it once, they will risk it always.
After exams, atleast I know how much to expect from whom.

Soul of the Nation

They build not only the buildings but the nation. Schools we study in, factories and industries we are employed in, houses we live in.
They have build us as well as thier own children, their own families.
They build the nation.

Lust for Geniune.


People often confuse our admiration for purity with lust of perfection.
We all crave love that cannot be translated, a friendship that see no benefits, Relationships that do not deceive, Hearts that only know the truth. Absolute smiles; Pure and gentle. Of that which come right from the heart, into the eyes leaving a mark on the lips.


Starting from the day we were created, evident changes have occurred in us. We evaluated from a clot of blood to whole human body within nine months. A 51 Cm body transforms to 5 feet body in the blink of an eye. The way we think, words we speak, theory of life, everything is a result of continuous fluctuations existing in our lives.

Sometimes I think about how strangely delicate and beautiful human nature is. How a simple observation or an incident can alter the whole perception of oneself. A small dance in the rain or a long drive in summer days, the glory of the day or silence of the night, a lover’s look in the eye or betrayal of a friend…everything…everything makes a difference.

We live among a cluster of people, even if we don’t talk to all of them, there is still something in common, something that keeps us connected. After realizing the connection, I also realized that it’s not just our personal situations that effect us, It’s others as-well. our fragile heart can so easily be refashioned, only by a trauma our eyes witness or a sensational conversation we hear. All of it leaves a mark deep down in our hearts or goes back into subconscious, but always remains there, always.

The combination of all the observations and neglects, inspirations and depressions, experiences and ignorance, makes our next step, next step we take towards our destination. our destination…? It’s today, It’s this moment we are living. We have come across a long way, each leaving behind a unique history, a unique story that might not be heard by many or never be written in books, but has been experienced once. These unending variations will continue to help us in continuing our JOURNEY…a journey to the person we are to today.

I dedicate this blog to everyone who feels life is rough. Let the poetry of everything touch you. Let it leave a mark on you. Let it enhance the beauty in you.

This is my first blog ever. Feel free to comment below your feedback and reviews.

I hope you all like it..